Special Private Beta Offer...

Attention Moms & Dads...

Real Autoimmune Relief

Discover How to Personalize Your Path to Health & Feel Vibrant Again!

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by crippling fatigue, digestive discomfort, or autoimmune flare-ups, making you miss out on precious family moments...

then this message could be a turning point for you.

First The Bad News...

There’s a fire in your blood carrying scorched cells to every corner of your body.

It’s not a pretty picture...

...it’s why you wake up tired...burned out before the day has started.

...it’s why you can’t be fully present with your family because of the constant pain.

...it’s why you have to excuse yourself to sit alone in the bathroom...again.

...it’s why you keep getting sick just when you thought you were on the mend.

You don’t feel like yourself...your brain is on fire, your blood is on fire, your cells are on fire

...because YOUR GUT IS ON FIRE.

OK. Now the Good News...

Pulling out of this spiral requires more than a quick fix...

but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

In fact, the solution is surprisingly simple.

You want to restore your health, energy, and be fully present for your family. All of this aligns perfectly with everything you cherish about being a mom.

And it's totally possible.

Instead of feeling hopeless and continuing to struggle with spiraling health, now you can follow a plan that truly understands and addresses the root causes of your suffering.

You’re Not Alone...

Autoimmune diseases like Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, POTS, Thyroiditis ... are spreading like wildfire in our country.

When I was in medical school in 1996, I was told I’d never see an autoimmune disease in practice. Autoimmune diseases were ”rare” and treatment would be limited to specialists and universities. Diseases like celiac, rheumatoid arthritis, or PANDAS were conditions I would never see.

I now walk alongside patients with autoimmune issues ... EVERY SINGLE DAY.

1 out of 12 people in the U.S. has an autoimmune disease.

1 out of 5 has a positive autoantibody (kind of like being pre-diabetic).

Autoimmune diseases are the third most common cause of chronic illness in the country.

Autoimmune issues cost Americans more money every year than cancer!

That’s the ugly health problem...which would be bad enough if we weren’t also struggling with an information crisis.

The real challenge lies in the overwhelming amount of conflicting health advice out there, making it difficult to find a clear and effective path to better health. This leads to mental burnout, wasted money on ineffective solutions, and a continuous cycle of health problems.

Perhaps You Can Relate

Maybe you’ve experienced it too.

You try one solution after another, but nothing seems to work. You end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and fearful your health might never improve.

But There’s a Reason Why...

If you’ve felt defeated by your health challenges, let me reassure you that it’s not your fault that past solutions haven't worked.

The issue lies in the misplaced trust in the “experts”—whether that’s medical doctors or digital gurus. The doctors push medications and the gurus offer one-size-fits-all magic diets or supplements.

...Yes, medications often provide temporary relief to some issues (and often create unintended new ones). They rarely tackle the root causes of health issues. They almost never address the fire burning in your gut.

...Yes, the trendy diets work for a lucky few. Unfortunately, one-size-fits-all solutions aren’t tailored to your unique body—your gut—leading to inconsistent results.

...And yes, the nutritional supplements can make a real difference ... but there isn’t one magic bullet out there, and it gets really expensive really fast (and actually really dangerous) trying everything the gurus and your neighbor recommends.

That’s why this message could be the most crucial you read all year. Consider it carefully. Reflect on it. Then decide if this could be the solution you and many others have been hoping for.

Trust Your Gut

The secret of simple, targeted lifestyle changes to generate lasting health improvements.

I’m Dr. Aaron Hartman, co-founder of Connected Health (with my wife, Becky...I’ll introduce you to her below). I have dedicated 25 years to health and wellness, with over 100,000 patient encounters in five countries on four continents.

In other words, I’m one of those medical experts I just told you not to trust...

And I mean it. You shouldn’t trust me because I’m a “medical expert.”

I Learned the Hard Way...

Before adopting our first daughter, Anna, in 2007, I was a regular doctor following the traditional medical path. But Anna changed everything. The medical system offered little hope for her condition, and the experts wanted us to submit to invasive and destructive surgical procedures that would ensure Anna never walked, or even fed herself. Becky and I felt desperate and isolated, endlessly searching for answers (sound familiar?).

That’s when I began exploring integrative & functional medicine. I was determined to find something that could help Anna.

Anna in the NICU, in a walker, and at her high school prom.

As I discovered new treatments (and rediscovered the simplicity of targeted lifestyle medicine), I applied what I was learning not only to my daughter but also to my patients.

The Results Have Been Incredible:

“These people saved my life.
Single most worthwhile investment in myself I've ever made.”

“Oh, where to start with Dr. Aaron Hartman and his incredible team ... it's a blessing to have a practitioner who doesn't just treat symptoms but listens deeply, understands thoroughly, and crafts a plan that looks at the big picture of your health journey. This isn't just about dealing with the now; it's about setting you on a path that takes your long-term well-being into account.”

Today, I specialize in helping people just like you to restore their scorched gut and reclaim their well-being ... empowering moms and dads to increase their energy and confidently care for their families without feeling overwhelmed by conflicting health advice.

You see, I’ve worked closely with countless mothers, fathers, and families over the years. I’ve analyzed what helped them overcome their health challenges more effectively.

The results were eye-opening…and here’s why:

What’s the Common Link?

The moms & dads who regained their health weren’t relying solely (or even primarily) on medication for their very real health problems. They weren’t trusting a fad diet or a magic supplement. And, most importantly, they weren't ignoring their gut.

Honestly, their approach wasn’t complicated at all.

You see, I’ve learned that our bodies were designed to heal themselves. Let me repeat that, because it’s so critical to understand: our bodies were designed to heal themselves! (It’s pretty amazing!)

If we simply remove the stumbling blocks that have been tripping us up, our bodies will do what they were made to do: self heal & repair.

Successful moms & dads focused on personalized strategies to remove those stumbling blocks ... starting with their gut.

And even though every mom was unique ... they all had one thing in common: Whether they realized it or not, they were all learning to take the experts with a grain of salt and trust their own gut.

Unfortunately for us...

Becky Also Had to Learn the Hard Way

“I was crippled with fatigue for years. I tried an elimination diet that completely tanked my health. Despite warnings, I kept pushing myself until I crashed...hard!”

“For the next five years, I was plagued with pain and exhaustion. My husband and kids went away on weekends to make memories while I rested at home, missing out on irreplaceable time with them. Every day, I dragged myself out of bed utterly exhausted, just to care for the children who needed me. It was survival mode. I barely had the energy to be present as my kids were growing up around me. That's when I realized I needed to stop listening to others and get serious about researching solutions for my own body.”

This part is humbling for both of us to share. I was already a “medical expert” and Becky was an Occupational Therapist with pretty strong personal and professional body awareness. But we both still fell for the medical expert with a fad diet.

Until Becky began doing what all my successful moms & dads have done: She stopped listening to others and got serious about solutions unique to her own body.

She Began Trusting Her Gut.

Together, we explored personalized interventions and lifestyle changes:

“We identified the core obstacles in my health and made tailored changes to remove them. Today, I’ve reclaimed my health and restored my vitality. I’m now able to be fully present with my family, making memories and enjoying life.”

You Can Too!

By choosing a tailored health program, you can save yourself from the continuous cycle of trial and error. You don’t need to lose five years you can’t get back. You can gain the ability to care for your family better and participate more fully in family activities, which boosts your morale and decreases the guilt of feeling like a burden due to health issues.

But a ‘tailored’ solution...personalized medicine is expensive—like tens of thousands of dollars expensive, right?

Actually...no. Or at least it doesn’t have to be.

This is were I get fired up (in a good way)...

Autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions are out of control in our country. There’s a wildfire burning out of control in our country and in our bodies.

We need to put a stop to this … and we can!

Yes, it costs a lot of money to come to my clinic. We do everything we can to keep the cost affordable but working within the medical system is expensive. That’s part of the problem we’re all facing. Even still, my patient load is full. I brought on another gifted doctor and his patient load is full. We brought on a nurse practitioner and her patient load is full. We can only help 800, maybe 900 people under this model.

Meanwhile, millions of people are suffering from a scorched gut, and their blood is carrying scorched cells to every corner of their bodies, resulting in chronic pain, chronic fatigue, autoimmune and autoinflammatory downward spirals.

But with the help of technology and your personal agency ... personalized doesn’t have to be expensive!

And we can make a difference in your family ... in a lot of families ... maybe millions of families.


The Connected Cleanse

The personalized AND AFFORDABLE! solution for moms & dads to restore your scorched gut, boost your energy, and enhance your overall well-being in straightforward steps, tailored to your hectic lifestyle.

Now you too can enjoy a vibrant life, where taking care of your family comes with ease and joy, without falling back on complicated health regimens or relying solely on endless medications… and without the frustration of failed health plans!

This is Different!

Sure, you’ve already tried other health plans before without seeing any real change. So it could feel a bit much to think that this might truly be the answer to your already prolonged struggles.

But this isn’t like what you’ve tried before. That’s because relying on one-size-fits-all diets, complicated regimens, magic supplements, and ignoring your gut … all that is behind you.

The Connected Cleanse was crafted to make success in achieving your health goals almost guaranteed.

Let’s be honest: achieving health goals isn't always easy. However — I can, and have, made it as easy as possible…and I trust you’ll find that’s more than fair.

The Connected Cleanse works so effectively because it combines:

Our Targeted Gut Diagnostic

This interactive assessment provides you the opportunity to listen to your gut. Your gut is an introvert and most of us are bad at listening to it. The Gut Diagnostic provides a clear starting point for your personalized health journey. No need for guessing or uncertainty.

So rather than wondering where to begin with improving your health…

…you get a clear, precise starting point tailored precisely to your needs, allowing you to take effective steps immediately

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A Personalized Meal Plan

The Connected Cleanse includes a 21-day reset, eliminating dietary triggers and focusing on nutrient dense whole foods. Then, the plan walks you step-by-step through testing food sensitivities in order to build a meal plan that respects your gut, packed into an easy-to-follow schedule.

So rather than struggling with what meal might suit you best…

…you get a custom plan that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle, ensuring you’re fueled and ready to take on each day.

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Downloadable Guide & Resources

While we walk you step-by-step through what you need to do, if you need to better understand they why behind the what...we’ve got you covered.

We’ve created a complete guidebook outlining the Connected Cleanse with resources like: Meal Planner, Reintroduction Schedule, and Symptoms Tracker.

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Personalized Supplement Recommendations

No, there isn’t one magic probiotic that will restore everyone’s microbiome ... but there are pre-biotics and probiotics that can enhance (i.e. supplement) the real food you’re enjoying. We’ll provide personalized recommendations that help you to meet your goals and complement your meal plan.

Don’t waste time and money on supplements that aren’t right for you…

…you get tailored advice that enhances your specific health journey, making each step towards better health as effective as possible.

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And much more!

The Connected Cleanse Delivers Results Even If...

  • You think you’ve tried every health solution out there — because The Connected Cleanse tailors the experience specifically to your needs.

  • You have a hectic schedule and can’t find the time for health — because The Connected Cleanse is designed to fit into your busy life.

  • You’re skeptical of new health solutions — because The Connected Cleanse offers a framework and support community that guides you every step of the way.

  • You’ve been let down by other health plans in the past – because The Connected Cleanse uses a proven holistic approach that starts with your gut health.

These might sound like big claims. But I’ve shared these same strategies with countless other women so they could improve their well-being and live a more energized life with less effort. And I know these proven health strategies will work for you too.

The Connected Cleanse is Changing Lives

Here's what fellow moms & dads like you experienced:

“It is remarkable how the process of addressing the body as a whole verses treating symptoms can resolve so many seemingly independent issues.”

Imagine having the strength and vitality to play soccer with your kids in the backyard without feeling winded, or attending every school recital without battling discomfort and pain. The Connected Cleanse has not only transformed Michael's health, it has rejuvenated his life, making every family moment enjoyable and full-bodied. Think about a day without digestive discomfort, where you’re more patient, more engaged, and truly in the moment with your loved ones. That's the power of taking control of your health.

Are YOU ready to restore your gut health and reclaim your energy in just 6 weeks?

Here’s What You’ll Experience
When You Join the Connected Cleanse Now:

  • Restore your gut health and reclaim your energy in just 6 weeks, feeling revitalized and ready to take on daily challenges with new vigor!

  • Address your unique health needs with a personalized, holistic plan that respects your individuality and targets your specific wellness goals!

  • Understand why focusing on gut health is the key to overall well-being, unlocking the secrets to a healthier, happier life!

  • Uncover food sensitivities and personalize your diet through a step-by-step guide, eliminating guesswork and enhancing your nutritional intake!

  • Enjoy personalized gut health solutions that don't have to break the bank, making it easier and more accessible than ever to feel good!

  • Discover that personalized gut health doesn’t have to be overwhelming, simplifying your journey towards a healthier you with effective, straightforward strategies!

  • And much, much more.

Don’t Underestimate Simplicity.

Isaac Newton (pretty smart guy) once noted that nature reveals its secrets through simplicity. That’s the principle behind what we've designed for you: a clear, efficient method to enhance your health ... starting with your gut.

So, don't be misled by the simplicity of The Connected Cleanse. It's crafted to be effective. We invite you to try it. It’s designed to transform your health, and we stand by that.

Why It's Just $42 (Private Beta Price)

Normally, we’re offering The Connected Cleanse for $85 (only $2 per day for the six-week plan). We wanted this to be a simple choice for anyone—moms, dads, whole families—anyone needing a dependable, effective way to improve gut health.

But if you participate in our Beta program, we’ll give you a 50% discount—that’s just $1 a day for the six-week program. In exchange, we hope you’ll participate in feedback to help us make the program even better.

Why You Can Relax

Here's where this gets really exciting...

You have 30 days to evaluate The Connected Cleanse.

If you're not satisfied with your energy levels... if you don't feel stronger and more vibrant... or find the program easy to follow...

Email us. We'll refund your full investment.

Keep in mind... only a limited number will be sold at this price.

After releasing a few thousand at this low price, personal support for each participant will become unsustainable... and we will have to increase the price.

Order Now to Secure Your Health Investment Today

Remember: If you act now your total investment is just $42 — but this special price could end at any time. So click the order button below now to get started, because you deserve to feel your best... just like so many other mothers, caregivers, and women in our community.

Will you join us?

Take Care & Be Well,

Aaron & Becky Hartman

P.S. If you still have a few questions about The Connected Cleanse, we have you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is The Connected Cleanse?

The Connected Cleanse is a comprehensive digital plan designed to restore your gut health through personalized, nutrient-dense meal plans, supplement recommendations, and an AI coach, accompanied by community support to ensure ongoing motivation and accountability.

How does The Connected Cleanse differ from other health plans?

Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, our program focuses on a personalized approach, leveraging a detailed gut assessment to tailor the food and supplements specifically to your unique health needs, ensuring optimal results — at an affordable price.

Who should consider joining The Connected Cleanse?

This program is ideal for anyone who has struggled with digestive issues, low energy, or overall health concerns, especially if previous health plans have not been successful. It's also perfect for those with busy schedules needing structured, yet flexible support.

How long does it take to see results with The Connected Cleanse?

Short-term results, such as improved energy levels and reduced digestive discomfort, can be observed within just one week, with more comprehensive benefits like a fully personalized diet supporting long-term health typically emerging around the six-week mark.

What are the key components included in The Connected Cleanse?

Key components include a Gut Assessment, Personalized Supplement Recommendations, Personalized Meal Plan, an AI Coach, a Digital Support Community, Access to Personalized Course Modules, a Goal-Setting Framework, and Daily Journal Prompts designed to keep you on track.

How is The Connected Cleanse delivered?

The entire program is digital, providing you with online access to all tools, community support, and resources, making it easily accessible from anywhere and on any device, fitting seamlessly into your daily routine.

What is the financial commitment for The Connected Cleanse?

The offer is priced at an affordable rate of $42, equating to just about $1 a day, providing a cost-effective solution to improve your health without a hefty financial burden.

How does The Connected Cleanse support long-term health improvements?

Beyond the initial benefits, the program equips you with a tailored diet, consistent support, and educational resources that help you maintain your gut health, ensuring increased energy and well-being in the long term to confidently care for your family.

Can I join The Connected Cleanse if I have specific dietary requirements?

Absolutely. The meal plans are customized to accommodate any dietary needs, ensuring the recommendations meet your personal health requirements and preferences.

What if I'm skeptical about another diet plan?

The Connected Cleanse is designed to work even if others have failed, thanks to its focus on personalization and holistic health. With actionable guidance and supportive community, skepticism often turns to confidence as participants start seeing tangible health improvements.

The Connected Cleanse

Claim your limited-time offer — just $42